Thursday, March 16, 2006

a story written in the second person

one day, you were sitting reading this blog.

"that's interesting" you thought, "there's a story written in the second person. i wonder what that's about".

scrolling down the page, past the excellent story written in the first person, you came to this story and were amazed to see that it was all about you!

"how interesting" you thought, "does that mean that if i start thinking about purple elephants, they'll magically appear in the story?"

sure enough, you saw the pink elephants appear in the story.

"oh no" you thought, "it wasn't pink elephants i was thinking about, they were purple! how very impossible, for this story to be about me and yet not be what i was thinking."

"oh dear," you chipped in, "that makes me very confused!"

"speak for yourself" you thought, "i understand it totally!"

"when did i start arguing with myself" you wondered for a short while before you chipped in with "a long, long time ago".

"in a galaxy far far away?" you asked?

"absolutely!" you chipped in.

"well, i'm not sure i like all these revelations about the inner workings of my mind" you thought. "if i'm not careful, i'm going to start thinking about..."

"no!" you cried out loud, "i'm not going to think about that because i don't want everybody else to know about..."

"oh dear" you thought, "this is really getting quite tricky. i don't think i'm very good at controlling my thoughts."

quickly, you decided to stop reading and moved on to the next entry.


randomfrog said...

more worryingly, your ego begins questioning your size and suggesting you get some more exercise and eat less.

ZoB1 said...

My ego told me that once....I ignored it...

randomfrog said...

you said

randomfrog said...

before running away very fast

ZoB1 said...

Not really that fast. My body has no joints in it as you can see so its very difficult to move at all in fact