Sunday, August 20, 2006


out of the leerdammer pops a head. a ginger head (with a ginger beard and everything).

it peers around and is lifted out further, followed by shoulders and arms and kilted legs.

Hamish MacDougall stands tall, holds the bagpipes nervously to his lips and blows. they emit an excruciatingly high squeal, and he hastily stops.

"och noo," he mutters, "tha's not the player tha' used to be, MacDougall"

"did you call?" asks Nu Nu, hovering above the cheese

"noo i di'nay call no elephant," replies Hamish.

"you just did it again,"
"and again"

Hamish is not a man to be messed with. He is a bagpipe player with perfect pitch. He picks up Nu Nu and hurls him into the duck pond. Turning away he rubs his hands together. "tha'll ta'ch im tae muss wi' 'a harra' crum'bli'n scoot lach mon hoots ya wee sassenach."

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