“’Ello, ‘ello, ‘ello,” he said, “ it’s not often one sees a lovely young lady walking around such a fetching pet wig. I don’t suppose you’d be available this afternoon to help the police a bit?”
Zobe considered all the things she had planned to do with her day. Things like wandering round aimlessly and shouting at pigeons.

She decided to sacrifice this day of fun to help protect her fellow man.
“I’ll do it!” she said. The detective told her there had been a murder at the manor house, and gave her directions and a map! (no corners cut in this story!)
Zobe and her wig smiled at the detective and promised to do their best. They set off together with an air of adventure and excitement around them.
After going the second left, first right, right at the traffic lights, left by the big tree, round the roundabout, across the river (without a bridge or a boat), along the third fork and right into the wood… Zobe spotted something very worrying. There was a strange contraption just at the side of the road. With a slight sense of foreboding, Zobe decided to investigate.
“Oh no!” she exclaimed, “you poor things!”
The mice were just skin and bone, trapped for weeks, it seemed, in these tiny cages. Zobe tried to get lift the cages but there was a complicated locking mechanism. She walked around, hoping to find a clue (‘cos she didn’t have one) and, much to her surprise, found Gimli trapped in one of the cages, his axe thrown into a nearby bush. Zobe picked it up and with great strength and even greater accuracy cut through the cage and set the dwarf free. He was not as thankful as one might have expected. But he did help Zobe to get the mice out. She did not use the axe to cut them loose. That would have been too easy. Instead, she and Gimli constructed a highly elaborate device from an old stop sign, a boot, a bucket, a drainpipe, a helping hand, a crank, a diving board and diver, a gutter, a staircase and a ball bearing.
Having realised too late that they had walked straight into a trap, they used Gimli’s laser beam eyesight to cut their way free and let the mice out too.
Quite why Gimli had sat in the cage for such a long time when he had laser beam eyesight nobody is sure. Perhaps he just wanted to meet Zobe. And who could blame him, she’s such a lovely balloon-headed doll.
ooh, i love the pigeons!
I like this bit of the story....it's fun!!!
ah that would be because it's the first part which is mostly written by Ben not me. ah well. also, i suspect, because it is the first part which is nice about you.
nah, i didn't write much of this chapter
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