Groggily, the little green man with a water pistol’s thoughts swam into focus. His vision followed reluctantly as he replayed the last few minutes’ events in his head. They didn’t make any more sense second time round and he was just about to start on the third viewing when he heard groaning from behind him. Taking care not to make any noise or unnecessary movement, he turned his head to see the annoying human he’d hit with his first water pistol shot. She was lying face down on the ground in front of the very determined old lady who had attacked him. An Agatha Christie paperback appeared have taken on a life of its own and was trying to find a way around the prone body on the grass. Fearful that it could be part of a cunning plot by the stainless steel saucepans, the little green man with a water pistol edged across the grass towards the front of the house. Reaching the gate he picked himself up and sprinted around the house to the road where a little green scooter sat with the engine still running. Swearing profusely, the little green man with a water pistol gunned the little green scooter’s engine. Realising that he was just making it wet, he dropped the water pistol, jumped on the little green scooter and rode off up the road.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
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