Friday, March 03, 2006

a small black bedtime story

once upon a time there was a small black fox who kept being mistaken for a small black pussy cat. he lived all alone in a small black hole (he was only a small black fox) where he spent his time eating jam doughnuts.

one day a small brown bunny rabbit found the small black hole and thought "that looks exciting, i wonder what delights could be at the bottom of this small black hole". he didn't ever have time to regret his curiosity. the next morning, the small black fox was wearing a small brown pair of rabbit-fur mittens. no longer was he mistaken for a small black pussy cat! he was now mistaken for a small black pussy cat wearing small brown rabbit-fur mittens.

the other small brown bunny rabbits were very upset by the loss of their friend and so they all ganged up together in a big small brown bunny rabbit gang and went to the small black hole to confront the small black fox who kept being mistaken for a small black pussy cat wearing small brown rabbit-fur mittens.

the next morning, the small black fox had enough rabbit fur for a large brown rabbit-fur coat! however before he could be mistaken for a small black pussy cat wearing a large brown rabbit-fur coat he was eaten by a large black fox.

smugly the large black fox headed back to the small black hole but on the way he was eaten by a large brown bunny rabbit and so all was right with the world

and then the small black hole woke up, sucked in all the matter in the universe and went pop.

this story was brought to you by ben but was amended after judy (quite rightly) told him he'd got it wrong. and it's much better now.


Anonymous said...

no that's not how it went!!!! the small fox was mistaken for a rabbit and eaten by a big fox. the big fox was then eaten by an even bigger rabbit.

get it right!!

randomfrog said...

i have! all is right with the world...

Anonymous said...

yay thanku!

ZoB1 said...

0h....I'm so glad that we got the story right in the wouldn't have made sence otherwise now would it??

randomfrog said...


randomfrog said...

ah, but this is a story so anything can happen :-)

and jude not only supported this outright debauchery, she came up with some of it...

ZoB1 said...

Who's the dog?

Anonymous said...

marin you rock my world. and i'm actually starting to feel a little sea sick so if you wouldn't mind stopping some time...

and everyone know's i'm only a fake vegetarian.

Well Placed Comma said...

lmao, yeah, I know.
I rock your world? Wow, that's a compliment and a half :D
...Wished I rocked other people's worlds though, I have an embarrasing story for you!

Carry on with the craziness, Ben, Judy and Zoe.

... I might cut down on the physics :P

randomfrog said...

too much physics will kill you,
if you can't make up your mind
torn between the circuit
and the magnetic flux you leave behind
you're headed for disaster
'cos you never read faraday's law of induction
too much physics will kill you
every time

zobe-bob (and a frog), craziness guaranteed!

ZoB1 said...

Ok.....still.....who's the dog? Is it Martin by any chance?

Well Placed Comma said...

Yep. However, please, call me Marin.

randomfrog said...

the clue's in the profile!

ZoB1 said...

I didn't help

randomfrog said...

i thought the name "marin" at the top would have been a bit of a give away.