Wednesday, March 29, 2006

a story written in the fourth person

in the future, it might just happen that one would be late for the bus in the morning and would therefore have to run for the bus.

possibly this would cause one to slip on a carelessly placed banana skin and come crashing to the pavement, thus missing the bus.

in light of this tragedy, one would have to consider whether to wait for the next bus or to seek an alternative method of transportation.

or one might feel that this was a sign that the bus was not meant to be caught this morning and go back home for a cup of tea. (which would at least make judy happy)

one might then decide to go for a walk. to keep oneself sustained one might decide to eat a doughnut first. just in case the walk became long and one doughnut wasn't enough, one might decide to take one to eat on the way.

one might then decide that one to eat on the way was not enough and that two would be more appropriate, so one would take two to eat on the way. in fact, if it was a hot day, one might decide to take three to satisfy one's hunger for doughnuts. or four for one's hunger.

when one returned from the walk, one might feel that the five doughnuts eaten today was a little excessive, one might indeed feel a little sicks. (s)even though one ate loads of doughnuts (nein! said a passing german), one's at-ten-tion is being diverted elsewhere and one decides to make a leavened loaf of bread for twelve friends and thir teen-age children. for teen-agers it's best for one to use plenty of yeast, to make it less stif-f. if teen-agers have stiff bread they might hurt themselves, essex teenagers especially. i can't fit seventeen in, so i'm gonna cheat and just write it.

personally, i h-ate teen-agers (despite being one), their inane teenage chatter upsets one(especially when it sounds that posh).

one might then decide it might be better for this post if it went yellow, just to finish on a nice number


Well Placed Comma said...

'Fourth Person? I do English as well, :P

Now, I think a more important issue is how I managed to buy a computer for £450 BUT 3-4 years ago and sold it today for the pitant value of £65 and a pint! Now that's deflation.

Also, what 'inane' teenage chatter?

randomfrog said...

"The term fourth person is also sometimes used for the category of indefinite or generic referents, that work like one in English phrases such as "one should be prepared", when the grammar treats them differently from ordinary third-person forms."

i'll leave jude to explain the inane teenage chatter as she came up with it

Anonymous said...

who, me!?

inane teenage chatter wsa the only was i could think of to get nineteen in there. thought it was quite clever, actually.

Anonymous said...

* was the only way.

must learn to type propa.

randomfrog said...

it was very inventive, it's just some people don't appreciate that kind of thing :-)

Anonymous said...

harsh! i will have only nice comments on this blog, please.

randomfrog said...

sorry, it wasn't meant to sound harsh. i apologise.

Anonymous said...


randomfrog said...


Well Placed Comma said...

Hang on... was Ben being mean about me? I feel hurt now! No ice-cream sundae's for you. Judy, Zobe-bob and me (maybe even that pixie thing as well...), but not you :P

randomfrog said...

it wasn't meant to be mean and i did apologise if it came out that way...

and who put you in charge of ice cream sundaes?!

Well Placed Comma said...

Aww, nobody would argue with a cute small black fox! I retract, sundaes for all!

randomfrog said...

hurrah! thanx :-)

ZoB1 said...

Oooooooooooooooooooo....what about dead people who mysteriously come back to life?

randomfrog said...

what about them?

ZoB1 said...

Do they get ice-cream sundae's??