the long awaited adventures of the zobe doll begin here. are you excited? would you like to humour us and at least pretend?
once upon a time there was a little "girl" called zobe wan gavinci. she had long flowing embroidery hair and wavy arms. she was a happy little soul, despite her oversized feet.
"it always annoys me when you press controll and shift to select something, cos it goes to preview" she said. "look, try it"
"nope, just my computer"
"sure ben, whatever you say. i think you may have been on the strawberry laces again"
"noooooo not the strawberry laces!!!!!"
"mmm edible hair"
hang on, that makes no sense, said the small dog from the previous story.
"aaargh, what are you doing here?" said the banananananananarama
"i'm not really here," he replied, vanishing.
"my that was strange," said the bananananananarama, "i wonder what will happen next..."
tune in soon for the next installment, which will include these words...
fish cake
this story comes to you with love and cheese from judy and ben :-)
Oh dear....my head is alot bigger than I thought it was, oh well...by the way....what is the randomfrog doing here, I thought he'd gone back to his home planet weeks ago.
the randomfrog never leaves, he is always with you! mwuh ha ha ha...
ok, enough of that :-)
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