this is a post to say how much i love and admire Bob and Belinda. especially Bob, although Belinda's not so bad. they are so cool. i wish i was just like them.
Bob and Belinda do bully me though.....so maybe I don't like them that much anymore....
silliness: it's better than being miserable
aww thanks zoe
thank you! i feel special now!
Ok.....confess....who posted that? I know Judy knows my password but she could have told Ben!!!
what do you mean? you posted it - it says so! and we're both very touched.
you mean... you mean... she doesn't like us and want to be like us after all????
my life is over
see, now my comment looks silly because the evil shrinking pixie deleted the one before it. bah
oh, well that's ok then.
hang on a minute, you're an evil shrinking pixie, why should i believe you???
Oh Dear
ha ha ha! since i'm already bob, that makes u belinda, ben!
kinda suits you, actually ;-)
thanks - i'll take it as a compliment!
long story
do tell...
something about a joke based on shared experience...
nope, totally drawing a blank on that one.
insults, compliments, compliments, insults... i get so confused.
with you now ;-)
gd gd, glad it's not just me!
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